Conservative treatment

    Conservative treatment I ENANDE

    conservative options

    conservative options

    Conservative treatment consists of two main pillars – pain management and physiotherapy. Pain management follows a three-stage scheme according to WHO guidelines. So-called peripherally and centrally acting active substances are used alone or in combination with one another. These are sometimes supplemented by medications with a muscle-relaxing effect and additionally medications with an anti-depressant effect. For nerve pain (neuropathic pain) additional active ingredients are applied. Therefore pain management is a gradual process, corresponding side effects need to be adapted specifically to each patient. Common fear of pain medication is often unfounded; sensible pain management can often drastically increase quality of life and can thus even be a reasonable long-term therapy. The goal of physiotherapy is to normalize impaired body function. Furthermore, training can improve body coordination and efficiency. All of these procedures are of supportive nature but on their own, will not lead to an elimination of chronic deficits. The patient’s responsible cooperation is needed to overcome deficits mid- and long term.